Fire Hydrants

Ensuring the protection of life and property is our mission

Functioning hydrants are extremely important in the prevention and containment of fires.
Red fire hydrant with high pressure water spray
In most urban, suburban, and rural locations with municipal water service, there is a fire hydrant that allows fire fighters to access the municipal water supply to help put out a fire. This is an active fire protection strategy. It can either be pressured or not.

Wet Hydrants

In urban and suburban regions, water mains supply wet hydrants. The flow capacity of the hydrants might vary significantly depending on the size of the mains. The first necessity in a mutual aid call is the location of hydrants, and the flow capacity is the second most crucial piece of information.

Color Scheme 

A color scheme recommended by the American Water Works Association has been adopted by several American jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, the color of a fire hydrant’s bonnet and caps can be used to identify the flow capacity. Other times, determining the capacity could be more challenging.

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